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RJPM - Certificate in Restorative Justice and Prison Ministry

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Program Title

CERTG: Restorative Jstce & Prison Min

Program Type


Degree Designation


Program Description

This certificate builds a theological, analytical, and practical foundation for restorative and reparative ministries with incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people and their communities. The certificate is offered both at Drew Theological School and at New Jersey correctional facilities. This program is available as a stand alone graduate certificate and may also be completed concurrently with a graduate degree for currently matriculated Drew masters students. 


Students in the Restorative Justice and Prison Ministries Certificate program (RJPM) complete 15 credit hours through the following courses:

I. Required Courses (3 credits)

  • course - Mass Incarceration and Restorative Justice

  • Note: One gateway PREP course is a prerequisite for this required course.

II. Partnership for Religion and Education in Prison (PREP) courses (6 credits)

6 credits from Theological School courses with PREP attribute. All PREP electives are held in New Jersey correctional facilities.

III. Elective (3 credits)

3 credits from Theological School offerings focused on a subject relevant to prison ministries, chosen in conversation with Program Convenor.

IV. Capstone (3 credits)

An internship either within:

  1. a prison setting

  2. a local church doing prison ministry

  3. a non-profit working with incarcerated persons


An independent study paper, or in-context leadership project related to the student’s area of prison ministry.

Students choose from any of the following in conversation with Program Convenor:

  • course - Leadership Seminar I

  • course - Leadership Seminar II

  • course - Vocational Apprenticeship

  • course - Masters Level Tutorial

  • course - Thesis/Extended Paper Workshop