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Coursework in Other Drew Degree Programs   

Non-cross-listed courses offered in another degree program at Drew University may be considered for credit toward a student’s program. Approval must be received in writing from the program convener prior to enrollment in the course.  

PhD students are limited to two non-cross-listed courses offered by Drew’s graduate Arts and Letters program, Graduate Division of Religion, Medical Humanities program, and undergraduate College of Liberal Arts, provided the course requirements meet History and Culture standards and are approved by the program convener in writing. As a general rule, these courses should have a reading load of about 300 pages per week (or the equivalent in poetry, music, or art classes) and an overall writing load of 40 pages. 

Students in the D.Litt. program who have completed their coursework up to but not including ARLT 905 and who have not completed the dissertation can, with written approval of the program director, submit a petition to the Graduate Academic Standing Committee to be awarded the M.Litt. in lieu of completing the dissertation, provided that they have not already earned the M.Litt. at Drew. Students awarded the M.Litt. for their D.Litt. coursework will not be allowed to subsequently complete their D.Litt. with the same coursework used to award the M.Litt

Students in the M.Litt. and any Drew M.A. programs may apply to matriculate to the D.Litt. or D.M.H. respectively after they have completed at least two courses at Drew. This application should be made through the Graduate Admissions Office. If the student is accepted, all credits from the uncompleted master’s degree are transferred to the new program. The master’s degree is not awarded in this process.

Students completing certain master’s programs at Drew (as listed below) who apply to enter the D.Litt. or D.M.H. are required to complete at least 15 course credits in the doctoral degree (excluding dissertation) as well any additional program requirements specific to that degree as outlined by the program director. Students may petition the Graduate Academic Standing Committee to receive waivers on particular doctoral degree requirements based on courses completed in the masters degree. These waivers do not reduce the minimum 15 course credits required to complete the doctoral degree. The following Drew masters degrees are eligible for sharing their masters degree credits with a D.Litt. and D.M.H: Master of Letters, MA in History and Culture, MA in Medical Humanities, Health, and Society, MA in Religion, MA in Theology and Ministry, and Master of Divinity. 

Non-degree students who have completed the C.M.H. at Drew who matriculate into the M.A. in Medical Humanities, Health, and Society or the D.M.H. are automatically waived from completing the same courses in the new degree. All fifteen credits of the completed C.M.H. are credited towards the M.A. or D.M.H. 

Non-degree students who have completed the Certificate in Conflict Resolution and Leadership at Drew who matriculate into the M.Litt. or D.Litt. receive 12 credits of electives toward the new degree.

Students who wish to translate from one uncompleted Drew graduate masters degree into another, or between the D.M.H. and D.Litt. should consult with the convener or director of both programs, establish a curricular plan, and submit a petition to the Graduate Academic Standing Committee. The committee will determine whether a new admissions application is required or if the student’s courses can be translated into the new program as the convener/director and the student have outlined.

Ph.D. students who wish to translate to the D.Litt. or D.M.H. must: a) complete the Arts and Letters or D.M.H. admissions application, including a rationale for translating (as part of the required personal statement); b) arrange for an interview with the convener of the Arts and Letters or Medical Humanities Program as appropriate; and c) abide by the decision of the Arts and Letters/Medical Humanities Admissions Committee. Students should be aware that scholarship assistance differs between the Ph.D. and the D.Litt or D.M.H.

With the exception of the Clinical Practicum, students who have completed the C.M.H. at Drew who matriculate into the M.A. in Medical Humanities, Health, and Society or the D.M.H. are automatically waived from completing the same courses in the new degree. Up to 12 credits of the completed C.M.H. can be transferred into the new Medical Humanities degree.     

Up to 12 credits from Conflict Resolution courses listed in the M.Litt. or D.Litt are transferable into the Conflict Resolution certificate program. Outside of any degree coursework, students must complete ARCR 900 in order to receive the Conflict Resolution Certificate.

Special or Unclassified students admitted to a Caspersen degree program may petition the Graduate Academic Standing Committee for the application of credits to a new degree. There is no guarantee that credits previously earned will count in the degree program.