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Religions and Food: Feast, Fast, Farming and Famine

Course Subject Code


Course Number




Course Attributes

TS-Ecology, TS-Interfaith, TS-Problem-Based Learning

Course Short Title

Religions & Food

Course Long Title

Religions and Food: Feast, Fast, Farming and Famine

Course Description

Explores the myriad ways that religious traditions shape what we eat and drink, or not, as well as raise moral and ethical questions about those choices, and the food production systems that put food on our table. Examines a variety of themes, including religious based rules such as kosher and halal, vegetarianism, fasting, and rituals such as sacred meals/foods, blessing the crops, saying grace, breaking the bread, etc. Also explore the ways that religious groups are becoming reinvolved in food practices, from community gardening to environmental/food systems concerns, food justice to health and healing, soul food to food for the soul. Fieldtrips and Field-work, food and feasts, will be involved as we try to take this class out of the classroom





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